Direct Mail

/Direct Mail
Direct Mail 2016-12-20T12:58:08+00:00

Direct Mail

Every Door Direct Mail Program

Our Saturation Mailing Program works much like the Every Door Direct Mail Program offered through the USPS with some huge advantages.

1. Lowest Cost – 17.5¢ Postage
Through our workshare program with the USPS we are able to offer the lowest postage rates available and we pass these great savings on.

2. No Size Requirements
Lower your printing cost with standard or jumbo-sized postcards with rates as low as .21 cents, with printing, postage & delivery included.

3. Every Card is Addressed
Want to add or remove a few addresses? Our Saturation Mailing Program may be a better option for your needs.

The Saturation Mailing and Every Door Direct Mail Programs require that you mail into an entire carrier route to receive the full discount. A carrier route is approximately 750 homes. Often, these routes will fall into a particular neighborhood or country club that fits the demographic that you are trying to reach and a target mailing may not be required.

The Target Mailing Program is best-suited when you have an existing database of customers or have out of the area addresses in your mailing.


Realtor Campaigns

“We have the experience to help you evaluate these carrier routes and give a recommendation on the most cost effective approach for your direct mail campaign.”

Click Below for Prices…